Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rolous Group

The Rolous Group are the oldest surviving temples in the Siem Reap area. The group is made up of three temples - Preah Ko, Bakong, and Lolei. It was really interesting to see the different architectural styles of the temples and how the designs kept getting bigger and more ornate - eventually culminating in Angkor Wat.

I suspect that I am boring everyone with all these temple photos, after all there is nothing worse than being forced to view someone else's holiday photos (well, actually there probably are worse things - like being eaten by a shark or finding an unexpected durian filling in your otherwise delightful lunchtime pastry - but you can't think of these things when you are actually being forced to see boring holiday pics).

Anyway, if you are bored with the photos, too bad! Because I still haven't gotten around to downloading the Angkor Wat photos off Dan's camera. But I promise that they will be the last set of ancient temple photos I post on here. For a while, anyway.

Lolei Temple - ruined statue, renovations and chin-wagging.
Lolei Temple - a crazed looking demon...
Lolei Temple.
Carvings and windows at the Bakong Temple.
Nose-less elephants guarding the Bakong Temple.
Statue ruins at Bakong Temple.

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